Monday, June 06, 2016

Sunday Crafts

Sunday is craft day!

The Child's school is working withe the 4J Natives Program and producing a totem pole.  We went to a ceremony where the cedar tree that had blown over was harvested a few months ago.  After that there's been a lot of carving, and the last few weekends have been painting weekends.

In addition there's a secret project involved, so Sunday afternoon I've been tinkering with the laser cutter to produce some lasered bits.  For whatever reason, the laser, the cutting software, and the laptop OS have all been cooperating.  The material I'm cutting is of a higher quality than the birch ply I've been using, so the cuts seem cleaner and sharper.  Even the cutting guide I made out of a cereal box did what it's supposed to do and everything.

The Child's Birthday is coming up.  We've been playing it up a little because of a East Coast tradition called "Golden Birthdays," which is when the number of years you are matches the calendar date.  So, for example, someone born on the fifteenth of the month would have their golden birthday when they're fifteen years old.  This year's theme is Spy Training... and it's just occurred to me that we'll have to play every James Bond theme ever recorded. 

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