Monday, January 25, 2016

Mid-Winter Musings

It's that stretch of winter where all I want to do is sleep.  My productivity feels down, at least my lexical output.  I suppose I should focus on maintenance projects to keep things going.  

It's times like this when I'm susceptible to "Eugene Ennui."  What I like about Eugene is that it's a small town covered with trees; what feels unfulfilling about Eugene is that it feels like a cultural backwater.  Maybe if I were a 60-something lesbian hippie it would be different.  Sometimes it feels like most of our friends have moved to Portland.  When I fall into Eugene Ennui, I have to remind myself that this is the sort of thing I've complained about before and still I've stayed here.   

What would make Eugene fabulous. . . well, it would be nice if the local architecture were more interseting, maybe more structures like the downtown library and less ones like Titan Court (which is a glass and metal box).   More shops like Savoure, which was the right mix of whimsical and formal, and less like a number of eateries around town that have a picnic bench decor.   

Maybe I should host more writing open house teas once the weather gets nicer.  

On a different front, for a while, I've had an office of sorts in The Child's closet.  He's getting to the age where he needs the closet back, so I'm going to have to figure out a relocation.  All the clever little design websites and Pinterest boards are discouraging, because  the photos of office spaces they show either have an iMac stuffed onto a shelf surrounded by rattan baskets, or else are $10,000 re-model jobs.  And they mostly look like art museum displays more than actual work spaces.

Brainstorming without considering things like money or marital relations, the solutions are, make the living room do double duty as an office space; create a space in the garage; find or purchase a little trailer or cabin and put it in the back yard; put the office in the attic space; rent office space somewhere.  Hmmm.

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