Tuesday, January 08, 2013


The morning writing continues. I remain convinced that I have better writing days when I plan things out by laying out the kettle, teapot, and tea so that I don't have to think too hard to make my morning tea. I also prepped Scrivener with the scene I wanted to work on this morning. This helped me to sit down and get to work. But... as I was writing last night, I felt how I wanted to keep going. Since writing until midnight would have messed up my sleep, I had to stop.

I guess I still want to be a late-night writer. Something about 10:30 PM turns my brain back on.

The other thing I'm finding is that planning out scenes a little the night before is changing my writing style (slowly) from a seat-of-the-pants writer to an outliner.

Finally, this is turning into discipline, discipline, discipline. Getting up early means going to be early. Going to bed early means not drinking tea after 3PM (ideally 2PM).

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