Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Quick News

Last Tuesday was a really good writing day -- although my protagonist isn't protaging enough.  And the antagonist is being sort of stupid.  I'm almost to the point where I want to treat what I've written as back story and sit down with a blank screen and start over.

We're getting ready to paint the outside of our house.  So of course it's been raining.  Not that I don't mind the lower temperatures.  

The other night Mark, Arthur and I were walking home from the store and there was thunder and lightning.  Well, mostly thunder.  As we were looking at the sky, Arthur said, "Lightning hiding in the clouds."  

There's a story idea if I've ever heard one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey John,

I just want to let you know that I really, really, really enjoy periodically catching up on your blog. It's just wonderful and heartwarming to read about your family's adventures. And also, if you ever need a reader for any of your stories, I'd be very happy to volunteer. "John Burridge Stories" (either about or by) still form a significant part of my storytelling repertoire, but they haven't been updated in quite a while.

As for my life -- I think I've finally discovered the secret of how to Save the World, Build Arcologies, and Colonize Mars. And it doesn't involve being an architect. So, I'm quitting architecture, moving to the UK, and starting an MBA at Oxford in October. (This was a purely pragmatic decision on my part, entirely uninfluenced by any recent Philip Pullman obsessions I may or may not have had.) So the next time you're over in that part of the world, look me up and say hi!